Sunday 24 November 2013

Bukit Tinggi, Indonesia ;)

fuhhh been a long time since my last visit to this blog.. cewahhh ayat XD

done w exam, now it's time to enjoy the holiday in a very useful
on 19th November, my family and I left Malaysia for Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatera for a 5-days vacation. felt excited but Adam almost threw up on the plane because of its movement.. since he sat next to me, i was furious when he told me that.. sepatutnya aku la yg pening sbb ddk tepi tingkap!


After one hour journey, we arrived at Bandar Udara Internasional Minangkabau, Padang. their airport is nothing compared to ours actually. aircond pun segan-segan nak keluar.. it is indeed quite small but the ukiran is really fascinating! 

the whole group from Malaysia was around 20 people.. it was like teachers' vacation because most of them are teachers and we yg anak2 ni started to feel, ahhh they are going to discuss abt school thingy for the rest of the day... and trust me, that was what really happen!

after that, we started our journey to Bukit Tinggi which took around 2 hours from Padang. You'll never find jalan cantik like highway here because the road is very small eventhough itu jalan utama. 2 lane je pun tp jalan tu sibuk. byk lori and bus.. our tour guide was Pak Didek together w the bus driver, Pak Pian and co-tour guide was Kak Riki.. aku x reti nk eja nama dyorg, tp lebih kurang la kot.. hehe 

on the way nk ke Bukit Tinggi, singgah lunch dulu.. Nasi padang.. makanan dyorg x byk beza dgn kita so perut blh terima.  

puposely enlarge gambar makanan #foodporn

we did some shopping first before headed to our hotel. the weather was getting colder during late evening. kat sini, around 630pm tu dah gelap dah.. sejuk jgn cakap lahh...

when i mentioned shopping, means that mmg borong habis! plus kat sini, dyorg terima duit Malaysia.. maybe sbb ramai org Malaysia datang.. aku x tau berapa ratus ribu rupiah mak aku habiskan during our first day

we arrived at our hotel around 9pm..i was too tired to even had a walk around the town that night. but i did went out for sight-seeing the next day.. 

second day was another shoopping trip, i can say ;D
we had breakfast at the hotel's restaurant first before we left. 
our country is definitely 20-30 years ahead in terms on lifestyle, technology and economic status compared to the people here. scene yg selalu kita nampak dlm sinetron eg like dtg minta sedekah masa traffic light n tolak gerai makanan tu mmg ada kat sini but one thing that i respect is, they are really hardworking and determine nk cari rezeki.. mcm2 kerja dyorg buat.. tuntutan hidup mungkin. 

their nature mmg sgt cantik! masa nak ke air terjun ni, errr apa ntah nama tempat tu..hehe.. lalu sawah padi, gunung n the scenery was awesome. here in malaysia, kita byk tebang hutan for development but they dont. they have some kind of rules that for one state, they will just focus on agriculture and another state will focus on another filed. maybe sbb negara dyorg besar n tenaga kerja ramai, so dyorg x kisah kalau development x setara antara satu state dgn state lain.... maybe la..

mom and i enjoyed our shopping moment again..hahahaha.. there was a time both mom and i were short of rupiah money and both of us ended up paying them in ringgit.. hahaha.. since dad was nowhere to be seen, so terpaksa la korbankan duit malaysia.. well, this is a prove of our shopping

once you are at tanah minang or 'ranah minang' by the locals, it is a must to visit their minangkabau house. first we went to Istana Besar Pagaruyung or they called it Istano Basa Pagaruyung.. what a beautiful place! tempatnya agak terpencil jgk.. jauh masuk ke dalam.. but i found out that ppl around Pagaruyung area are more wealthy compared to other places like Payakumbuh, Batusangkar or Padang Panjang because their houses are so well-built, big and nampak gah gitu.. maybe sbb kawasan tu byk ketua-ketua suku kot.. so keturunan dyorg agak berada..

just take a look at these photos.. kat belakang istana tu gunung.. puncak gunung tu kena litup awan.. so u can guess how is the weather.. cool and refreshing enough!

Istana Besar Pagaruyung

breathtaking view of the palace

ni pulak kat taman panorama.. kat belakang tu ngarai or canyon la.. ngarai tu aku x pasti sama ada bahasa melayu atau bahasa org kirenye mcm Asian's version of Great Canyon la.. cantik tmpat ni.. kat bwh taman panorama ni la ada kubu jepun.. org tempatan called it as 'Lobang Jepang'..

their government is planning to biuld some kind of great wall ala-ala China punya tu so that tourists blh jalan2 sampai bawah bukit.. tp time aku kat sana tu, great wall tu baru siap separuh je..

this is the scenery of the kubu jepun.. sejukkkk... lagi sejuk compared to outside yg mmg sedia sejuk..
ada sekali tu kteorg dibawa msk ke bilik hukuman dgn tempat campak mayat.. sumpah seram.. pakcik tour guide tu mula2 bagi salam..lps tu kteorg kat belakang bergema bagi salam jugak... siap kumat-kamit mulut baca doa...

inside lobang jepang

gambar atas ni tempat tembus keluar dari kubu jepun tu.. tembus kat lereng bukit.. worth going la pada aku utk masuk kubu ni walaupun agak ketaq jugak awal2 tu..

inside the minangkabau house

this is how it looks inside of the minangkabau house.. noted that this is not from the istana besar i mentioned before but it is actually an information centre of minang's culture and custom.. the building is build exactly the same as the original structure of traditional minang house.

during our last day, we toured around Padang city again before headed back to the airport. but before that, we enjoyed durian-flavoured ice-cream or 'es tebat' called by the locals. nice tp mkn byk2 jadi muak la sikit so i ended up w a normal ais kacang and was teased by Kak Riki, one of our tour guide.. grrrrr

es tebak aka ice-cream durian

time to bid farewell to tanah minang! getting ready to leave Padang.. learnt so many new things especially abt their culture, language and lifestyle.. i make new friends as well! 
this experience make me appreciate my homeland more now.. ;)

bye-bye indonesia! ;3

Sunday 22 September 2013

Episode 2 - Melaka

Assalamualaikum peeps!
i'm back!!
it's quite unusual for me to come back here in twice in a row.. hahaha
since the mood is here, i better make use of it to update ;)

can be declared as the longest period i've been through in my entire life.. sob3
but it was a good experience as well..

the scout camp was held at Kem Tan Can Yein or something like that.. i dunno what's the real name of that camp actually.. hahaha
it was a 4 days and 3 nights camp.. wait! should i call it a torture camp?? grrrr
during this camp, our ipg combined w one more ipg, IPIS.. ;)

actually we started our journey quite late.. it was almost 10am when we started our journey and the weirdest thing was, we arrived at Melaka when the clock was almost 5pm!! i really had no idea why we took so long... padahal berhenti kt rnr cuma 2 kali je n bukannya berhenti lama pun..
aku kat dlm bus ntah dh berapa kali tido... smpai penat dah..
pulak tu, masa dh smpai area Melaka, blh pulak la sesat terlajak smpai 5km... hahahaha..
ni mmg adventure..

well this camping was not considered as 'lasak' la because most of the time we need to attend the so-called talk.. 2 sessions in the morning, then we had the so-called break when we need to prepare our own meal for lunch. After Zohor, we continued the talk again, then prepared for dinner and then at night, the next session of talk started at 830pm sharp.. but that was not the end! at night, we hv to prepare some gadgets because there will be 'penilaian' on our final day.. gadget ni buat ikut sekawan laaa..

dalam satu sekawan ada 10 org, dlm satu pek ada 6 sekawan.. 
each pek were divided by our camping site. since i was in Pek A, luckily dekat dgn toilet but that area kindda bumpy here n there.. some of my classmates yg satu pek with me were Dash, Jabar, Sia, Izzat, Kak Huda, Puteri, Fahmi and Rashidi.. see?? ramai kannn... so xde la i feel lonely sgt..hehehe.. my other classmates sume terpaksa berpecah so ramai la yg tercampak ke pek lain.. huhu
since kteorg campur2 dlm sekawan, ada la sekali ustaz2 dlm pek kteorg.. nama je ustaz tp perangai sama gila2 jgk.. senang nk ajak sembang.. hahaha
actually walaupun kteorg sume tinggal dalam kem yg sama, tp jarang btl jumpe.. kalau yg girls, jumpe pun kat toilet je.. yg lelaki, jumpe pun kalau2 selisih kat tepi jln.. mmg hai n bye je laa..

oh, talking abt sekawan ni kannn... byk yg aku nk ckp ni sbnarnya but i'll keep it to myself je lah.. kang aku mengamuk kat sini plk kang.. cukup la aku marah2 kt camp tu je..

sepanjang 4 hari kat sana, everyday i slept for only 2 hours.. nk bertarung dgn nyamuk lg... my new perspective of life is, aku rela baju aku bau asap sbb ddk dkt2 dgn campfire, daripada badan aku penuh kena gigit nyamuk.. sob3..but still badan penuh kena gigit nyamuk jgk.. grrrr

there was a night, my sekawan bertugas.. dah la kebetulan malam, n tempat utk sekawan yg bertugas duduk tu tempat paling hujung, tepi sekali, tempat yg dpt lampu paling sikit tp kat tepi kteorg mmg ada kipas.. Ya Allah, bayangkanlah betapa aku struggle supaya mata x terpejam.. menguap mmg dah lebih 3696499 kali dah.. luckily, ada budak baris sebelah aku ni rajin ajak aku sembang so kuranglah sikit percent ngantuk aku.. hahaha.. tq bebanyak bro!!

ni adalah muka2 org yg x cukup tidur selama 4 hari berturut-turut, ye kawan2... 
this picture was taken during our last day.. biaselah org lain berkemas bersihkan camp site, kami curi2 posing kt bawah pokok.. ngeh3

ni la geng2 Pek A.. IPGKI and IPIS ;)
ni masa nk blk dah ni.. after laung agung but before our pentauliahan.. masing2 muka x sabar nk balik.. eh, ke aku sorg je yg nk balik?? hahahaha

that afternoon, around 1pm, we started our journey back to Ipoh.. before that, we had a tour around the city sekejap.. well, instead of having our lunch, me n mary entertained our shopping desire.. so we ended up buying souvenirs n tshirt... hahahaha

k, bye!

ok, tired of typing.. shud stop now..
learnt a lot through this camp.. 
ilmu pengakap, discipline, friendship n getting to know new friends ;)

Saturday 21 September 2013

Episode 1


just come back from Malacca..
i was so freaking happy to be back to civilization.. lol
it was a 4 days and 3 nights camp for scouts..
believe me, it was the longest period in my entire life!!

i hv lots to tell actually
but since i left my lappy at the maktab, so i just postpone my wish to update this blog..
to transfer the pictures to adam's lappy is not a wise choice.. muahaha

hope i will be hardworking enough to update once i come back to Ipoh tommorow ;)

till then, anyeong.....


Sunday 18 August 2013

Eid Sum Up

today is 11th syawal..
bet it's not too late to wish everyone Happy Eid Mubarak..

hv been spending this raya both in T.Intan n KL..
gaya mcm urban sgt raya kat kl.. muahaha

tahun ni raya mcm biasa je lahh..
but surprisingly my duit raya is a lot more compared to last year!
i think because most of my abang2 n kakak2 already work so they hv to 'willingly' give me duit raya..
well i hv another 2 years to receive duit raya..
after that, i hv to join the club of 'The Working Cousins' ;D

unfortunately this year, i couldnt join my primary school friends beraya since i was at kl that day..
so sorry guys.. promise to join next year..
worst of all, i forgot fikah's open house!
i knew something was missing but i couldnt figure it up..
the next day she came to my house n only at that moment i remembered..too bad

last Saturday, my ex-schoolmates from secondary school met up..
we went to ain's house first.. then we made a surprise for Minah who couldnt come that day..
having lots of fun w them..;)
what a day w dilah, fit, ain, aulia, atin, yien n daus..
would be great if others could join as well..

us <3

in the car..

our family picture <3

i hv nothing to say..
better get off to sleep now..

Happy SBE-ing K unit ;D
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