Thursday, 23 May 2013

Exam Review.. ehh??

good evening everyone!!

finally i'm free!! XD
its the end of the semester!
well actually today is the official date of our last day in sem 3..
however, our exam finished earlier than others so,
here i am!! being home 4 days earlier!!!! 

no big deal pun since nothing to do in ipg..
most of my classmates pun balik awal so c.a.b.u.t lahhh..;p

should i talk ehh... write briefly about the exam?
kalau movie, ada org buat movie review, so
i'll do exam review la kan? XD

EDU Behavioral and Classroom Management
hmmmm... ok la.. since most of the questions required logical answers.. only memorized about the models of principles kindda thing.. i think i did pretty ok.. ;)

Teaching Listening and Speaking Skills In The Primary ESL Classroom
well, i had conflict with this lecturer.. hahaha.. setiap kali kelas ni, mesti aku in a state of confusion! lol but i think this paper is kindda ok too.. there were some parts yg KBKK la kan here and there but the most important thing is the essay part.. 
i'm always worried abt my essay.. ;D

Songs and Poetry for Young Learners
Teaching Reading Skills and Vocabulary in The Primary ESL Classroom
this is hell day!!!
two papers in a row, man!!!
super tough!!
paper language art la yg paling sedih ;( 
benda dah jadi, nak buat mcm mane kan.. 
tawakal je lahh..
but the second paper was ok.. 
i mean so much ok rather than the morning paper!!

actually, we hv one more paper.. our minor PSV..
but me, being me..
i didnt really care abt that subject 
because i dun like it at all!!!
at all!!!

Pengajian dan Pengurusan Kurikulum PSV KBSR
this was the day.. 
the killer subject for me!
mmg rasa nak suicide pun masa buat paper ni..
pandang dpn, ada yg dah lentok kepala kat meja..
pandang belakang, ada yg tgh ketuk2 pen kat meja..
so, aku pun lbh krg la,,
i dun even know what else to goreng!!
i was so sad bahhh ;(

habis je paper tu, i'm officially free!
merdeka!! hehe..

the moment i stepped out of the exam hall,
fuhhhh lega...
terus terlupa psl paper seni yg ntah apa2 tu ;D

Sem ni, tempat duduk aku dikelilingi lelaki..
so dyorg bg effect kat aku..

that's the end of SEM 3 PISMP TESL,

see u next sem K13!!
Beautiful 5 months we spent together ;)


Monday, 6 May 2013



havent been here for a long time... dun feel like writing these days.. hoho

been out and about since the last two weeks! 
having fun w classmates..
unpredictable experience..
exhausted but really enjoy the moment..

well, that was last week punya story...
this week punya story, i summarized this way



next week dah start exam lorhh ;(
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