Assalamualaikum peeps!
i'm back!!
it's quite unusual for me to come back here in twice in a row.. hahaha
since the mood is here, i better make use of it to update ;)
can be declared as the longest period i've been through in my entire life.. sob3
but it was a good experience as well..
the scout camp was held at Kem Tan Can Yein or something like that.. i dunno what's the real name of that camp actually.. hahaha
it was a 4 days and 3 nights camp.. wait! should i call it a torture camp?? grrrr
during this camp, our ipg combined w one more ipg, IPIS.. ;)
actually we started our journey quite late.. it was almost 10am when we started our journey and the weirdest thing was, we arrived at Melaka when the clock was almost 5pm!! i really had no idea why we took so long... padahal berhenti kt rnr cuma 2 kali je n bukannya berhenti lama pun..
aku kat dlm bus ntah dh berapa kali tido... smpai penat dah..
pulak tu, masa dh smpai area Melaka, blh pulak la sesat terlajak smpai 5km... hahahaha..
ni mmg adventure..
well this camping was not considered as 'lasak' la because most of the time we need to attend the so-called talk.. 2 sessions in the morning, then we had the so-called break when we need to prepare our own meal for lunch. After Zohor, we continued the talk again, then prepared for dinner and then at night, the next session of talk started at 830pm sharp.. but that was not the end! at night, we hv to prepare some gadgets because there will be 'penilaian' on our final day.. gadget ni buat ikut sekawan laaa..
dalam satu sekawan ada 10 org, dlm satu pek ada 6 sekawan..
each pek were divided by our camping site. since i was in Pek A, luckily dekat dgn toilet but that area kindda bumpy here n there.. some of my classmates yg satu pek with me were Dash, Jabar, Sia, Izzat, Kak Huda, Puteri, Fahmi and Rashidi.. see?? ramai kannn... so xde la i feel lonely sgt..hehehe.. my other classmates sume terpaksa berpecah so ramai la yg tercampak ke pek lain.. huhu
since kteorg campur2 dlm sekawan, ada la sekali ustaz2 dlm pek kteorg.. nama je ustaz tp perangai sama gila2 jgk.. senang nk ajak sembang.. hahaha
actually walaupun kteorg sume tinggal dalam kem yg sama, tp jarang btl jumpe.. kalau yg girls, jumpe pun kat toilet je.. yg lelaki, jumpe pun kalau2 selisih kat tepi jln.. mmg hai n bye je laa..
oh, talking abt sekawan ni kannn... byk yg aku nk ckp ni sbnarnya but i'll keep it to myself je lah.. kang aku mengamuk kat sini plk kang.. cukup la aku marah2 kt camp tu je..
sepanjang 4 hari kat sana, everyday i slept for only 2 hours.. nk bertarung dgn nyamuk lg... my new perspective of life is, aku rela baju aku bau asap sbb ddk dkt2 dgn campfire, daripada badan aku penuh kena gigit nyamuk.. sob3..but still badan penuh kena gigit nyamuk jgk.. grrrr
there was a night, my sekawan bertugas.. dah la kebetulan malam, n tempat utk sekawan yg bertugas duduk tu tempat paling hujung, tepi sekali, tempat yg dpt lampu paling sikit tp kat tepi kteorg mmg ada kipas.. Ya Allah, bayangkanlah betapa aku struggle supaya mata x terpejam.. menguap mmg dah lebih 3696499 kali dah.. luckily, ada budak baris sebelah aku ni rajin ajak aku sembang so kuranglah sikit percent ngantuk aku.. hahaha.. tq bebanyak bro!!
ni adalah muka2 org yg x cukup tidur selama 4 hari berturut-turut, ye kawan2...
this picture was taken during our last day.. biaselah org lain berkemas bersihkan camp site, kami curi2 posing kt bawah pokok.. ngeh3
ni la geng2 Pek A.. IPGKI and IPIS ;)
ni masa nk blk dah ni.. after laung agung but before our pentauliahan.. masing2 muka x sabar nk balik.. eh, ke aku sorg je yg nk balik?? hahahaha
that afternoon, around 1pm, we started our journey back to Ipoh.. before that, we had a tour around the city sekejap.. well, instead of having our lunch, me n mary entertained our shopping desire.. so we ended up buying souvenirs n tshirt... hahahaha
k, bye!
ok, tired of typing.. shud stop now..
learnt a lot through this camp..
ilmu pengakap, discipline, friendship n getting to know new friends ;)