lewat mlm sblum tidur
kadang2 kite tbe2 teringat kat someone..
tp knape mase tu kte x egt kt Allah..???
mane tau, mlm tu adalah mlm terakhir kte brnafas d bumi Allah ni...
tp kite x egt die..
instead of ingat Allah, berdoa padaNya agar dipanjangkan umur,
kite text org lain... org yg blm tentu akan jadi peneman kite seumur hidup ni..
sedangkan Allah sentiasa ada di sisi kite dlm situasi susah atau senang...
walaupun kite x egt Allah mase tu...
kadang2 someone tu akn mrh kalau kte x text die..
or merajuk ble kte x reply mcg die..
huh!! sengal btl!!
tp kan... agak2 Allah marah x ble umatNya lupekan Dia??
agak2 Allah sedih x ble umatNya x hiraukan Dia??
so, di bln ramadhan ni la kte kene grab opportunity
utk topup blk amalan2 kite..
yg kite dah abaikan selama ni..
bukan buat free2 xde reward tau, siap dpt bonus lg tu!!!
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Friday, 29 July 2011
no comment..
sometimes when we see people cried, i mean someone close to us we juz dunno wat do coz dat person seldom show dat kind of face before.... its like d other side of someone... yes, i admit dat every single person has their own hidden side in them.. n only d 'lucky' one could witness it... i never see dis person wept before... but i know she's not enjoying her life to the fullest here..her perspective of life might b different from me n other friends..mayb d environment here not suit her well.. her life is not as cheerful as others... sometimes isolating herself from others... or others avoiding her... but dat doesnt matter.. coz there's always someone next to u... ur frens.... we do care abt u... i feel sad when i saw u cried... it made me think - do i hurt her? wats wrong?? should i say something to comfort her? sigh... just keep in mind dat everybody has problem n burden on their shoulders.. its just how u manage it... everything depend on u urself... so, cheer up!!! there's a lot more things waiting for u in d future.... think positively,k....
chill yaa.... :-)
chill yaa.... :-)
Thursday, 28 July 2011
want-to-do list...
my want-to-do list..
ehem2.. lets get start yaa... :-)
- entertain my sweetheart pengarang jantungku... ASSIGNMENTSSSSSS....!!!
ehem2.. lets get start yaa... :-)
- entertain my sweetheart pengarang jantungku... ASSIGNMENTSSSSSS....!!!
- first of all, start to do my bm assignment!! confirm berzaman baru aku dpt siapkan...aiyoo..next week anta kot........
- agama assignment.... thank God its a group work so we cn just divide d task n combine it later... but nk cari dalil2 Al-Quran dulu... i mean, benda ni x leh main2... yet, dont take it easily, umi...
- social studies assignment.... only reflection is individual work... guess what? we hv to make a documentary!! i would surely enjoy this one... gonna hv a fantastic moment with my teammates....
- pengantar pendidikan assignment.... i wanna confess something la... i still dun get d point y we hv to study dis subject..whenever i entered dis class, i was like in a wat-on-earth-i'm-doing-here situation. .
- n i konw a lot more to come after dis....hiihihi..
- gonna going back home tomorrow... so, nk serbu TF pujaan atiku (err...TF ni ala2 supermarket laa).. need to buy stocks for puasa lorhh.. eg: milo, maggi (in case tgh holiday), roti n mcm2 lg... yg pasti,. makanan laa..
- kasut??????? umi,. say NO to kasut,k......!!!!!! semangat mmbeli aku dah kembali laa!!! umi, jgn mmbazir yerr... tngu dkt nk raya br beli tau... muahahahahaaa...
k, sempena bulan puase yg menjelang tiba ( wahhh, bangga lecturer bm aku kalo dye bc ayat ni.,.hik3) ,marilah brsama2 kite mmperbanyakkan ibadah yaa... peringatan for me too....
p/s : ok!! baju raya umairah wane pink dis year!!! jambu kott... finally, lari gak dari wane purple..hihi..;
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
boleh laa....ea?
ramadhan is coming... cant wait for it... blk teluk intan blh la bukak puase ramai2 dgn member2 skola... mcm dulu2... how i miss dat moment.... then g raya umah korg.. ( y am i talking abt raya??? puase pun blm la umi ooiii)
like this..... eeiii... besnyerr.....
nnt g mkn same2 ye korg... meor blh jd driver,kn.... t duit minyak kteorg tlg la support...ahakzss...
x pun ain kan3?? hahaha
p/s : tlg abaikan umairah in school uniform,k.... hahaha
k, get ready for ceramah at d hall after mgrib...
Monday, 25 July 2011
selamat tgh malam sume.....hahaha...
sbb skang ni tepat kul 12 mlm.. tingtong!!
kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga...
ini adalah antara peribahasa yg still aku egt setelah 2 thn aku tinggalkan skola.... sbb aku amek tesl, maka peribahasa2 yg aku hafal bagai nk rak utk insert dlm karangan bm dulu, aku dah lupe skang.... suke hati aku je nk cmpur aduk peribahasa ni.... n kerana tu, aku pernah kene marah dgn sorg hamba Allah ni... x pasal2 dpt ceramah free walaupun dye sndiri blm ditauliahkan sbg ckgu lagi... hahaha... peribahasa n simpulan bahasa n adik beradik angkat mereka yg lain telah diganti dgn idioms, proverbs, subject-verb agreement, sentence fragment, phrases n clauses, rhetorical questions n mcm2 lg...
knape aku merepek sal sume tu?
sebenarnye nk ckp sal kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga lahhh....
disebabkan sorg yg buat hal, yg lain2 kene skali...
kirenye jadi kambing hitam laa...
so, pada org yg buat perangai tu, x terdetik ke dlm hati anda yg anda dah susahkan org lain??
sbb anda, org lain terpaksa ikut merana?
sbb anda, kwn2 anda dpt malu?
sbb anda, org lain terpaksa buat kerja berkali ganda utk settlekan masalah yg anda dah create?
sbb anda, kwan2 dpt susah?
x terlintas lgsg ke dlm otak anda tu yg anda dah buat org lain rase bengang yg teramat dgn sikap anda yg sangat2 la sengal??
ish3....... cuba kalau satu hari nanti org buat perkara yg sama pada anda..... padan muke kau~!!!!
dan yg paling penting yg nk di-highlight-kan di sini.... sbb anda, sume org pandang serong n pandang rendah pada kawan2 anda... sbb pada org lain, kalau anda mcm tu, x mustahil kawan2 anda pun perangai sama mcm anda.
itu persepsi org, payah nk ubah...
but becoz of u, everything ruin up!!!!!!!
tlg la ade sikit rasa bersalah dlm diri anda.... for d sake of ur frens....
k, tu je nk ckp..... aku gunakan 90% bahasa melayu sbb aku dah ter-influence dgn assignment bm yg lgsg aku blm sntuh n kene hantar lg bape minggu jerr.... hihihi.... essay 2000 words... pengsan bangun blik baru la siap agaknye...
n kepada org yg aku mentionkan di atas, aku tau mustahil binti impossible ko akn bc post ni sbb aku pun x knl ko tp ko dah meng-upside down-kan mktabku yg permai ini.......... sigh
Sunday, 24 July 2011
hv u ever feel like u wanna kick someone's ass??
hv u ever feel like u wanna strangle someone n cut dat person into pieces n let his/her body b eaten by anaconda??
hv u ever feel like u wanna punch someone straight on his/her face for hundreds of times??
hell yeah, dat sound so mean but i really wanna do those things above to someone!!!!! coz i think dat person deserve it... menyusahkan org je reti!!! seriously i'm pissed off....!! die x fikir ke ape org lain rase? reti nk mrh je... dah name pun manusia, mmg la ade buat silap.. n ur job is to guide us... not throwing tantrum x tentu pasal n merosakkan mood org je.... to make somebody realize his/.her mistake is not by punish them in a harsh n ridiculous way but to advice...words speaks louder than action,k.. talk to them n give them chances to think back wat they had done..n dat person akn sedar apa yg die buat tu salah n wont repeat d same mistake again later..
not trying to b bias in dis case anyway but org lain yg buat salah tp org lain yg kene... wth!!
hv u ever feel like u wanna strangle someone n cut dat person into pieces n let his/her body b eaten by anaconda??
hv u ever feel like u wanna punch someone straight on his/her face for hundreds of times??
hell yeah, dat sound so mean but i really wanna do those things above to someone!!!!! coz i think dat person deserve it... menyusahkan org je reti!!! seriously i'm pissed off....!! die x fikir ke ape org lain rase? reti nk mrh je... dah name pun manusia, mmg la ade buat silap.. n ur job is to guide us... not throwing tantrum x tentu pasal n merosakkan mood org je.... to make somebody realize his/.her mistake is not by punish them in a harsh n ridiculous way but to advice...words speaks louder than action,k.. talk to them n give them chances to think back wat they had done..n dat person akn sedar apa yg die buat tu salah n wont repeat d same mistake again later..
not trying to b bias in dis case anyway but org lain yg buat salah tp org lain yg kene... wth!!
Saturday, 23 July 2011
ohh... lalala~
salam... wahhh!!boring sungguh hari ini... ( sesuai ke 'wahhh' dgn ayt tu? )
at last, i managed to finish muvi review on titanic for LDV.. alhamdulillah... even lgsg xde smgt nk buat mule2 tu..
cant wait for tomorrow actually... my mak n ayah are coming to pay me a visit... wuhuuu~
ayah, plissss..... bring me somewhere far away from dis freaking bored maktab!!!!! haha...
i'm supposed to b at my hometown nw... ade kenduri arwah kt kampung but i didnt go back coz yesterday i went for d 'gua trip'.. plus, ayah must b bz with dat kenduri stuff..
but honestly, ada gak hikmahnye aku x kuar g mane2 ari ni..... dpt gk aku study TKAM ckit.... so xde la aku blurr je dis coming monday when ms leong enter d class.... errr... hope so... sometimes two hours r sooooo longgg for me... somehow rather i like TKAM much more than macbeth.. mayb bcoz of d simple n understandable language compared to macbeth which has so many 'bahasa berbunga' until i couldnt understand what shakespeare tried to say actually... hahaha... i need more time to 'butcher' it for coming exam...
since mak is coming tomorrow, so i need to wake up early... dun sleep after subuh ya, umi.... hihihihi... n kene kemas2 ckit blk ni...ade gaya mcm nk kene spotcheck x?? to prevent 'ceramah free' session, i hv to do it!!! hahaha... now i;m thinking whether ade lg x homework yg kene buat... rase mcm ade, tp x mampu nk recall le plak.. haha.. assignments r coming... more n more.... i hv two now.. bm n ss..no comment abt ss coz its quite difficult but d task is qiute interesting coz we hv to prepare a muvi... haaaa! sounds good... class aku mmg suke buat benda2 ni..hihi..
from chan's blog... chan, pinjam yerr :-)
p/s : mak, nk pizza.... esok g mkn pizza kt jj eh? kenny rogers pun orait.... haha..
hey u!! i'm hepi to hear abt u again ,u knw... :-)
at last, i managed to finish muvi review on titanic for LDV.. alhamdulillah... even lgsg xde smgt nk buat mule2 tu..
cant wait for tomorrow actually... my mak n ayah are coming to pay me a visit... wuhuuu~
ayah, plissss..... bring me somewhere far away from dis freaking bored maktab!!!!! haha...
i'm supposed to b at my hometown nw... ade kenduri arwah kt kampung but i didnt go back coz yesterday i went for d '
but honestly, ada gak hikmahnye aku x kuar g mane2 ari ni..... dpt gk aku study TKAM ckit.... so xde la aku blurr je dis coming monday when ms leong enter d class.... errr... hope so... sometimes two hours r sooooo longgg for me... somehow rather i like TKAM much more than macbeth.. mayb bcoz of d simple n understandable language compared to macbeth which has so many 'bahasa berbunga' until i couldnt understand what shakespeare tried to say actually... hahaha... i need more time to 'butcher' it for coming exam...
since mak is coming tomorrow, so i need to wake up early... dun sleep after subuh ya, umi.... hihihihi... n kene kemas2 ckit blk ni...ade gaya mcm nk kene spotcheck x?? to prevent 'ceramah free' session, i hv to do it!!! hahaha... now i;m thinking whether ade lg x homework yg kene buat... rase mcm ade, tp x mampu nk recall le plak.. haha.. assignments r coming... more n more.... i hv two now.. bm n ss..no comment abt ss coz its quite difficult but d task is qiute interesting coz we hv to prepare a muvi... haaaa! sounds good... class aku mmg suke buat benda2 ni..hihi..
from chan's blog... chan, pinjam yerr :-)
p/s : mak, nk pizza.... esok g mkn pizza kt jj eh? kenny rogers pun orait.... haha..
hey u!! i'm hepi to hear abt u again ,u knw... :-)
Friday, 22 July 2011
trip to Gua Tempurung...weeee!!!~
salam sume..
22.07.2011 would stay in my mind forever....!!! i had a splendid time together with my classmates k13 as well as our "neighbour", k12.. hehe.. we went to Gua Tempurung dis morning.... wuhuuu~
we started our journey around 7am.. well, of coz all of us skip d assembly but...who cares?? haha..we prefer not going to assembly coz salu tu pun aku ase aku daydream jer kt seat aku!..hek3.. (pecah rahsia!)..salu da terkantoi dgn abg jpp...
so when we arrived there, guess what???? its still closed!!!!! pintu toilet pun still locked!! (nmpak x betapa komitednye k12 n k13..dtg awal glerr...haha).. so we took our own sweet time.. for k13, we had sandwiches for breakfast (roti + omelet + mayonise)..is it considered as sandwich? dunno la.. yg penting perut kenyang..haha.....tq tu mira, marry, zatie yg susah payah prepare for us yaa... syg korg! muaahhh!!
then we snapped photos.. possing here, possing there, possing here and everywhere.......lalalala... sesungguhnye sgt malas nk taruh pics kteorg kt sane.. tngu aku rajin la eh..hehehe..
then, mdm hasn (tutor k12) n miss jenn n her husband ( tutor k13 ) arrived... yeyy!! miss jenn bwkkan nasi lemak!! haha... trdetik dlm ati- lau tbe2 nk poo dlm gua tu mcm mane?? no toilet kt dlm tu!! hahaha..
aku n yaya ikut tour laen so kteorg kejap je dlm gua tu...1 hour 45 minutes.. demi Allah... i was stunned tgk keindahan ciptaan Allah kt dlm tu... kuasa Allah xde tandingannye... i keep saying uuuuu~ n waaaa~.. haha... ble smpai kt satu tmpat tu, frankly speaking i dunno wats its actually called coz when uncle tour guide briefed abt dat place,i was snapping pics with syed!! haha... we took our own sweet time at d back together with kimi.. hek3.. ok! back to d topic.. i called dat place "tempat aircond" coz kt area tu je sejuk... angin msk drp celah2 lubang dr bhgian luar gua ( ni je yg aku paham drp ape yg uncle tour guide tu ckp..hehe).. so we snapped class pics there.. then, kteorg tgk biji timah..egt nk taruh dlm poket seluar ckit tp budak2 tu tau je idea jahat aku so cancelled plan.. plus, miss jenn ade.. mampus aku kalo dye tau..haha..
well, mendaki anak tangga yg maha dahsyat tingginye mmg tlh buat aku x ckp nafas... n.. aku asyik lupe je yg besi pemegang tu baru dicat so aku asyik nk bersandar je kt situ... last2 syed marah!! huh! so muncung panjang la kejap mase tu..hehehe. along d way tu mcm2 image uncle tour guide tu tnjuk kt kteorg..ade elephant, whales, tortoise, org solat, perempuan pregnant, monalisa n so on..
smpai je kt peak of d cave, me n yaya split from our frens...together with miss jenn n her husband (dunno his name lorhh..) kteorg patah blk to d entrance.. well, aku n yaya stopped lame kt tmapt aircond tu... siap duduk bersila lg kt situ... amek angin smbil gosip2.. well, bk yg kteorg "discuss" sbnarnye....ble dah ase seram sbb just two of us there bru la kteorg move.. hahahahaha...
keluar je dr gua, kteorg lepak pekena air sejuk dlu... sedapnye dpt minum air sejukk....waaaa!!~.. then, smbil tunggu budak2 lain, kteorg smbung gosip... lame kot...hahahahaha..
dlm bus, sblum aku dbuai mimpi indah,
syed : maira, nk ikut g raja melewar x?
aku : bile?
syed : naik bus kul 2 pagi ni.. esok kul 8 kteorg ade rugbi match.. nk ikut?
aku : 2 pagi???? biar btl?
syed : btl laaa..
aku buat muke seposen...
syed : hmmm... xnk la tu... ajak mkn angin pun xmao!
aku senyum lg... hehe..n syed pun berlalu..... hahahaha..
ble tgk mark tido, aku pun determine nk smbung tido blk... hampeh btl org yg ganggu sweetdream aku!!
nnt nk ajak kwn2 n mak ayah g sane lah!!
k, till here for now.. nnt aku kasi korg tgk pics kteorg yerr.... siyes xde mood nk mgupload images tu... sabo2.. nway, thanks to izzat (my KU) , syed (k12's KU merangkap bodyguard.. ahakzss) , yaya (temanku) n sume yg tlh mengceriakan hidup aku ari ni!!!!! thank you everyone!!! from d very bottom of my heart.....
lots of luv for all k12 n k13 teslians..~
22.07.2011 would stay in my mind forever....!!! i had a splendid time together with my classmates k13 as well as our "neighbour", k12.. hehe.. we went to Gua Tempurung dis morning.... wuhuuu~
we started our journey around 7am.. well, of coz all of us skip d assembly but...who cares?? haha..we prefer not going to assembly coz salu tu pun aku ase aku daydream jer kt seat aku!..hek3.. (pecah rahsia!)..salu da terkantoi dgn abg jpp...
so when we arrived there, guess what???? its still closed!!!!! pintu toilet pun still locked!! (nmpak x betapa komitednye k12 n k13..dtg awal glerr...haha).. so we took our own sweet time.. for k13, we had sandwiches for breakfast (roti + omelet + mayonise)..is it considered as sandwich? dunno la.. yg penting perut kenyang..haha.....tq tu mira, marry, zatie yg susah payah prepare for us yaa... syg korg! muaahhh!!
then we snapped photos.. possing here, possing there, possing here and everywhere.......lalalala... sesungguhnye sgt malas nk taruh pics kteorg kt sane.. tngu aku rajin la eh..hehehe..
then, mdm hasn (tutor k12) n miss jenn n her husband ( tutor k13 ) arrived... yeyy!! miss jenn bwkkan nasi lemak!! haha... trdetik dlm ati- lau tbe2 nk poo dlm gua tu mcm mane?? no toilet kt dlm tu!! hahaha..
aku n yaya ikut tour laen so kteorg kejap je dlm gua tu...1 hour 45 minutes.. demi Allah... i was stunned tgk keindahan ciptaan Allah kt dlm tu... kuasa Allah xde tandingannye... i keep saying uuuuu~ n waaaa~.. haha... ble smpai kt satu tmpat tu, frankly speaking i dunno wats its actually called coz when uncle tour guide briefed abt dat place,i was snapping pics with syed!! haha... we took our own sweet time at d back together with kimi.. hek3.. ok! back to d topic.. i called dat place "tempat aircond" coz kt area tu je sejuk... angin msk drp celah2 lubang dr bhgian luar gua ( ni je yg aku paham drp ape yg uncle tour guide tu ckp..hehe).. so we snapped class pics there.. then, kteorg tgk biji timah..egt nk taruh dlm poket seluar ckit tp budak2 tu tau je idea jahat aku so cancelled plan.. plus, miss jenn ade.. mampus aku kalo dye tau..haha..
well, mendaki anak tangga yg maha dahsyat tingginye mmg tlh buat aku x ckp nafas... n.. aku asyik lupe je yg besi pemegang tu baru dicat so aku asyik nk bersandar je kt situ... last2 syed marah!! huh! so muncung panjang la kejap mase tu..hehehe. along d way tu mcm2 image uncle tour guide tu tnjuk kt kteorg..ade elephant, whales, tortoise, org solat, perempuan pregnant, monalisa n so on..
smpai je kt peak of d cave, me n yaya split from our frens...together with miss jenn n her husband (dunno his name lorhh..) kteorg patah blk to d entrance.. well, aku n yaya stopped lame kt tmapt aircond tu... siap duduk bersila lg kt situ... amek angin smbil gosip2.. well, bk yg kteorg "discuss" sbnarnye....ble dah ase seram sbb just two of us there bru la kteorg move.. hahahahaha...
keluar je dr gua, kteorg lepak pekena air sejuk dlu... sedapnye dpt minum air sejukk....waaaa!!~.. then, smbil tunggu budak2 lain, kteorg smbung gosip... lame kot...hahahahaha..
dlm bus, sblum aku dbuai mimpi indah,
syed : maira, nk ikut g raja melewar x?
aku : bile?
syed : naik bus kul 2 pagi ni.. esok kul 8 kteorg ade rugbi match.. nk ikut?
aku : 2 pagi???? biar btl?
syed : btl laaa..
aku buat muke seposen...
syed : hmmm... xnk la tu... ajak mkn angin pun xmao!
aku senyum lg... hehe..n syed pun berlalu..... hahahaha..
ble tgk mark tido, aku pun determine nk smbung tido blk... hampeh btl org yg ganggu sweetdream aku!!
nnt nk ajak kwn2 n mak ayah g sane lah!!
k, till here for now.. nnt aku kasi korg tgk pics kteorg yerr.... siyes xde mood nk mgupload images tu... sabo2.. nway, thanks to izzat (my KU) , syed (k12's KU merangkap bodyguard.. ahakzss) , yaya (temanku) n sume yg tlh mengceriakan hidup aku ari ni!!!!! thank you everyone!!! from d very bottom of my heart.....
lots of luv for all k12 n k13 teslians..~
Thursday, 21 July 2011
i hate crying.......
coz i dunno how to stop....
its tiring yet i feel relieved...
coz everything gonna b fine afterwards..
i cant stop my tears rolling down my cheeks..
but i know..
at any moment, i can smile again..
coz my sorrow has gone..
carried away by d tears..
dun get confused yaa... aku hepi jerr tp tbe2 nangis sbb tgk nurkasih...
wat?? again??
yaaaa...... again...
coz i dunno how to stop....
its tiring yet i feel relieved...
coz everything gonna b fine afterwards..
i cant stop my tears rolling down my cheeks..
but i know..
at any moment, i can smile again..
coz my sorrow has gone..
carried away by d tears..
dun get confused yaa... aku hepi jerr tp tbe2 nangis sbb tgk nurkasih...
wat?? again??
yaaaa...... again...
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
thank you :-)
a fren is a treasure,
a fren is someone we turn to
when our spirit need a lift.
a fren is someone we treasure,
for our frenship is a gift.
a fren is someone who fills our lives
with beauty, joy and grace.
and make the world i live in
a better and happier place....
i've been living in dis world for 19 years..
i've met many different kind of people..
life wont b good all times
but i'm glad
coz people around me r so great..
i'm lucky to hv so many people who take good care of me
tq Allah for sending me these great people for me...
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
:-) or :-(
u r not here with me..
u r far far away..
u r not in d same world as me..
u dunno wat i face every moment i'm here..
u r such an idiot for making me feel dis way...
u r freaking bad for causing me to feel suck d whole day..
u r a jerk coz u tease me every single minute..
u dont deserve to hv my love..
even me myself dunno wats in my mind rite nw..
but i think i salute u..
for ur understanding..
for ur kindness..
for ur care..
even i think u deserve more..
but i cant give u more..
coz i dun deserve to hv yours too..
i always made u feel sad..
i take u for granted..
i said i wasnt at home but i was..
i said i'm bz but i'm not..
i said "ade aku kesah' but i do "kesah"..
coz u r u....
i cant change myself coz u r u..
u r d one who i always tease..
since d first time we met..
i said "ape la mendu sgt ko ni?"..
seriously i hate u b4..
but now i'm so freaking sensitive with u...
one thing for sure, u color my life..
u make it messier..
u make it crazier..
u make it worse..
worse than ever...
p/s : this few days i discover d other side of someone... glad to hv u as my fren.. mayb we r not that close, but i really like d way u treat me.. now i knw how much u care for me.. u hv done it once n now u r do it again.. in every bad side of someone, there must b something valuable is hidden on d other side.. nw i knw u from both side..n i'm glad i'd seen it in u.. hope our frenship last forever, kawan =)
i'm happy, happy, happy, happy today!!!
video conference at k13 booth made me smile d whole day! haha..
tq to everyone who made me smile today....
Monday, 18 July 2011
Ohh... padini!!
salam sume...
i spent 7 hours at jj yesterday!!! haha... ank sape le ni..??..
smlm kami satu kelas g tgk wyg... just 4 of us yg x join..so, 25-4=21...
satu row cinema tu mmg stok utk k13 je lah!! huhu...
we watched Harry Porter... d last is d best!!!
mmg syok habis la! with humors here n there... siyes mantap citer ni!!
even though ade scene yg x ley bla.. especially ble time "19 years later..."..
harry n kwn2nye send their kids to dat magic school... rupe dyorg mase tu mmg la sgt lawak..hahahaha...
ok.. aku merepek! aku nk story sal padini tp ter-story sal abg harry porter aku plak! ahakzs!!
citernye mcm ni... mase mule2 smpai tu, kteorg jln2 la..
aku egt nk window shopping jerr...
first, aku msk reject shop... ok! aku ter-suke kt satu baju ni.... then aku pusing2 lg kt reject shop tu...
smbil teman kwn aku meng-try bju..
then, kteorg kuar g padini plak...
mak aii.... tgh sale kot!! maka brkobar2 la smgt aku nk mmbeli something kt padini...
blousenye mmg kiut2... name pun padini... of coz la kiut!!
after trying n fitting some of them.. mmg dah brkira2 nk grab one for myself...
but then...
umi : weh, jom g reject shop blk... aku nk blouse yg td tu r..
kawan : ko nk yg tu? ok... jom!
so, aku pun melangkah kuar drp padini n melangkah msk ke reject shop blk....hehe
d blouse cost rm33.90....
sng citer, budget aku lari lah ckit.... hehe...
then, smbung jln2....
although kaki aku menapak masuk mph, popular, foodcourt, coldstone,soda dn mcm2 lg la...
tp hati n otak aku ttp teringat kt blouse padini td... huwaaaa!!
its not dat i regret buying d blouse kt reject shop tu but i knw i want d blouse at padini.......
plus, tgh sale... but never mind... next time aku aim padini plak...
smpai hostel kul 8, then trs call my mom..
umi : mak, bru blk ni..hehehehe (gelak jahat)
mak : Ya Allah!!!! anak dara mgrib2 bru blk??? dari pg td??? Ya Allah.....
umi : hehe... biase la... skali-skala kuar ramai2...
mak : buat ape kt jj tu lame2?
umi : jln2 jerr... mak, umi bli bju kt reject shop.. 33 rggit..
mak : Astaghfirullahalazim...... kn baru bli jerr...
umi : ala, mak ni....
mak : umairah...................... ( nagging...)
tu la storynye.......
conclusion : umairah cant manage her financial wisely.....
haha... hopefully cukup la utk this one whole week... dah la friday ni nk g gua tempurung.....aiyooo....
i spent 7 hours at jj yesterday!!! haha... ank sape le ni..??..
smlm kami satu kelas g tgk wyg... just 4 of us yg x join..so, 25-4=21...
satu row cinema tu mmg stok utk k13 je lah!! huhu...
we watched Harry Porter... d last is d best!!!
mmg syok habis la! with humors here n there... siyes mantap citer ni!!
even though ade scene yg x ley bla.. especially ble time "19 years later..."..
harry n kwn2nye send their kids to dat magic school... rupe dyorg mase tu mmg la sgt lawak..hahahaha...
ok.. aku merepek! aku nk story sal padini tp ter-story sal abg harry porter aku plak! ahakzs!!
citernye mcm ni... mase mule2 smpai tu, kteorg jln2 la..
aku egt nk window shopping jerr...
first, aku msk reject shop... ok! aku ter-suke kt satu baju ni.... then aku pusing2 lg kt reject shop tu...
smbil teman kwn aku meng-try bju..
then, kteorg kuar g padini plak...
mak aii.... tgh sale kot!! maka brkobar2 la smgt aku nk mmbeli something kt padini...
blousenye mmg kiut2... name pun padini... of coz la kiut!!
after trying n fitting some of them.. mmg dah brkira2 nk grab one for myself...
but then...
umi : weh, jom g reject shop blk... aku nk blouse yg td tu r..
kawan : ko nk yg tu? ok... jom!
so, aku pun melangkah kuar drp padini n melangkah msk ke reject shop blk....hehe
d blouse cost rm33.90....
sng citer, budget aku lari lah ckit.... hehe...
then, smbung jln2....
although kaki aku menapak masuk mph, popular, foodcourt, coldstone,soda dn mcm2 lg la...
tp hati n otak aku ttp teringat kt blouse padini td... huwaaaa!!
its not dat i regret buying d blouse kt reject shop tu but i knw i want d blouse at padini.......
plus, tgh sale... but never mind... next time aku aim padini plak...
smpai hostel kul 8, then trs call my mom..
umi : mak, bru blk ni..hehehehe (gelak jahat)
mak : Ya Allah!!!! anak dara mgrib2 bru blk??? dari pg td??? Ya Allah.....
umi : hehe... biase la... skali-skala kuar ramai2...
mak : buat ape kt jj tu lame2?
umi : jln2 jerr... mak, umi bli bju kt reject shop.. 33 rggit..
mak : Astaghfirullahalazim...... kn baru bli jerr...
umi : ala, mak ni....
mak : umairah...................... ( nagging...)
tu la storynye.......
conclusion : umairah cant manage her financial wisely.....
haha... hopefully cukup la utk this one whole week... dah la friday ni nk g gua tempurung.....aiyooo....
Friday, 15 July 2011
a confused l**e
sometimes i feel like i've lost u
sometimes like we've never met,
at times i find myself remembering
the things i know i should forget.
sometimes i sit back and wonder
why i'm still around?...
but i know that gotta be something
thats lost but will be found
a confused heart,
cant love for sure.
a confuse love,
is something that we endure.
a confused girl,
whos stuck in a state of hate.
cant love a confused boy
who apologize for coming too late.....
=) what should i do??
just like wat i learnt in Social Studies, i think avoidance technique would b d best.. i feel so lazy to think abt it yet i need to....
haissshhh!!! i hate this feeling!!!1
stay away from me, pleassseeee..........!!
sometimes like we've never met,
at times i find myself remembering
the things i know i should forget.
sometimes i sit back and wonder
why i'm still around?...
but i know that gotta be something
thats lost but will be found
a confused heart,
cant love for sure.
a confuse love,
is something that we endure.
a confused girl,
whos stuck in a state of hate.
cant love a confused boy
who apologize for coming too late.....
=) what should i do??
just like wat i learnt in Social Studies, i think avoidance technique would b d best.. i feel so lazy to think abt it yet i need to....
haissshhh!!! i hate this feeling!!!1
stay away from me, pleassseeee..........!!
sobbing in me..
my mood today is....
like this....
my flu is finally here... with me... welcome flu.....
be my bff for a couple of days i think..
mata pun asyik berair jerr..
i wnt to sneeze but i couldnt.. damn it!!
terseksa jiwa ragaku...
i dun wanna miss my date with abg heri porter dis coming sunday just bcoz of dis flu...
flu yg cenderung ke arah fever.. uuu~
hah! ari ni result upu kuar... so today is a "degupan jantungku brtambah laju" day for my frens yg x sng duduk tngu result kuat sharp 12 noon td.. kompem line bz glerr... haha
so, buat yg brjaya, congrates tuk korg...
buat yg x bape nk brjaya, dont get upset... satu pintu tertutup x brmakna pintu2 lain pun tertutup... ade la rezeki korg kt mane2 tu... cuma kt mana dn bile kite x tau... itu rahsia Allah.. chill yaa =)
i think i knw y i'm d choosen one to get dis flu+fever thing!!
sbb aku sesak dada baca soalan assignment bm!!! (bahasa melayu kontekstual)
essay?? 2000 words??
mati la aku!!!
siyes dah lame tinggalkan "dunia esei"... nmpaknye, kene warm up blk lah ni...
come on, umairah!!! cheer up!! u cn do it!!!!
bm is sooo a piece of cake during my school years... but now... d cake has turn into a hard nut cracks...
xpe2... blm cube blm tau!
my mood today is....
like this....
my flu is finally here... with me... welcome flu.....
be my bff for a couple of days i think..
mata pun asyik berair jerr..
i wnt to sneeze but i couldnt.. damn it!!
terseksa jiwa ragaku...
i dun wanna miss my date with abg heri porter dis coming sunday just bcoz of dis flu...
flu yg cenderung ke arah fever.. uuu~
hah! ari ni result upu kuar... so today is a "degupan jantungku brtambah laju" day for my frens yg x sng duduk tngu result kuat sharp 12 noon td.. kompem line bz glerr... haha
so, buat yg brjaya, congrates tuk korg...
buat yg x bape nk brjaya, dont get upset... satu pintu tertutup x brmakna pintu2 lain pun tertutup... ade la rezeki korg kt mane2 tu... cuma kt mana dn bile kite x tau... itu rahsia Allah.. chill yaa =)
i think i knw y i'm d choosen one to get dis flu+fever thing!!
sbb aku sesak dada baca soalan assignment bm!!! (bahasa melayu kontekstual)
essay?? 2000 words??
mati la aku!!!
siyes dah lame tinggalkan "dunia esei"... nmpaknye, kene warm up blk lah ni...
come on, umairah!!! cheer up!! u cn do it!!!!
bm is sooo a piece of cake during my school years... but now... d cake has turn into a hard nut cracks...
xpe2... blm cube blm tau!
Thursday, 14 July 2011
headache + sore throat + flu = fever
betulkah equation d atas???
headache since dis evening..
sore throat since two days ago..
starting to get cough nw..
flu? coming soon i guess...
i sneeze all d time today..
(ble x mau brsin, sila pandang ke arah cahaya.. nescaya anda akn sneeze tidak lama kmdian..hehe)
mkn pun x rase ape.. sikit punye finger licking good kuewteow basah tu...
tp aku mkn mcm xde perasaan jerr..
harapnye, jgn la kene fever..
skang ni musim jerebu..
classmates aku pun gilir-gilir take turn utk demam..
jgn la demam..
aku nk tgk abg harry porter dis Sunday..
betulkah equation d atas???
headache since dis evening..
sore throat since two days ago..
starting to get cough nw..
flu? coming soon i guess...
i sneeze all d time today..
(ble x mau brsin, sila pandang ke arah cahaya.. nescaya anda akn sneeze tidak lama kmdian..hehe)
mkn pun x rase ape.. sikit punye finger licking good kuewteow basah tu...
tp aku mkn mcm xde perasaan jerr..
harapnye, jgn la kene fever..
skang ni musim jerebu..
classmates aku pun gilir-gilir take turn utk demam..
jgn la demam..
aku nk tgk abg harry porter dis Sunday..
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
early dis morning, i feel like i wanna cry....
i miss my embah..
i miss my nenek akik n nenek binik..
but they r no longer with me..
they r somewhere.. waiting to meet our mighty Creater, Allah..
one of my fren came to my rum..her grandma passed away..
made me miss them more then ever..
i dunno hw our Raya dis year gonna b..
terasa kosong... sgt kosong..
ble blk umah embah, dah xde sape nk disalam...
dah xde sape nk nagging itu ini..
even all dis while, ble embah nagged, aku buat x dgr je..
tp aku rindu sume tu..
aku rindu ble embah bising srh aku mkn sdgkan bru je aku anta pinggan kosong ke dapur..
aku rindu ble embah panggil- umi, pijakkan kaki embah..
aku rindu sume tu..
thn ni dah xde org suruh mak buat ketupat...
dah xde org suruh ayah cat umah wana biru..
embah suke wane biru..
dah xde org nk buatkan kuah kacang utk aku..
tiap2 thn embah buat kuah kacang sbb aku je yg glerr mkn kuah kacang dlm family tu..
kuah kacang embah plg sedap bg aku!
umi rindu embah..
nenek akik, nenek binik..
nenek dah lama pegi..
mase tu umi aku kecik lg.. tadika kot..
mase tu dlm family ayah, aku cucu bongsu..
aku teman nenek binik tangkap ikan kt parit dpn umah..
aku main2 kete sorong nenek akik kt kebun blkg umah..
aku brkubang kt parit tepi bendang..
even aku scary glerr dgn pacat n kaum2nye yg lain..
aku ikut nenek akik tgk org sembelih lembu mase raya haji..
tiap2 thn aku tgk...
walaupun mase nenek2 pergi, aku kecik lg..
tp aku egt sume tu...
aku tgk emak nangis ble teringat embah..
aku tgk ayah senyap atas sejadah ble teringat nenek akik dan nenek binik..
aku xtau nk buat ape..
aku cuma mampu diam..
biar mak ayah layan perasaan rindu tu..
aku kene kuat.. xkan aku nk nangis jugak..
tp pg td mmg hampir menitik airmataku..
aku x mampu nk bendung...
ble org citer pasal atuk nenek dyorg, aku senyap..
sbb aku dah xde sape2...
Ya Allah, Kau tempatkanlah mereka d klgn hambaMu yg brtaqwa..
Kau terangilah pusara mereka dgn cahayaMu
Kau berilah ketenangan buat mereka..
hanya doa dpt ku utuskan..
AL FATIHAH buat nenek akik, nenek binik, embah lanang, embah..
umi rindu sgt....
i miss my embah..
i miss my nenek akik n nenek binik..
but they r no longer with me..
they r somewhere.. waiting to meet our mighty Creater, Allah..
one of my fren came to my rum..her grandma passed away..
made me miss them more then ever..
i dunno hw our Raya dis year gonna b..
terasa kosong... sgt kosong..
ble blk umah embah, dah xde sape nk disalam...
dah xde sape nk nagging itu ini..
even all dis while, ble embah nagged, aku buat x dgr je..
tp aku rindu sume tu..
aku rindu ble embah bising srh aku mkn sdgkan bru je aku anta pinggan kosong ke dapur..
aku rindu ble embah panggil- umi, pijakkan kaki embah..
aku rindu sume tu..
thn ni dah xde org suruh mak buat ketupat...
dah xde org suruh ayah cat umah wana biru..
embah suke wane biru..
dah xde org nk buatkan kuah kacang utk aku..
tiap2 thn embah buat kuah kacang sbb aku je yg glerr mkn kuah kacang dlm family tu..
kuah kacang embah plg sedap bg aku!
umi rindu embah..
nenek akik, nenek binik..
nenek dah lama pegi..
mase tu umi aku kecik lg.. tadika kot..
mase tu dlm family ayah, aku cucu bongsu..
aku teman nenek binik tangkap ikan kt parit dpn umah..
aku main2 kete sorong nenek akik kt kebun blkg umah..
aku brkubang kt parit tepi bendang..
even aku scary glerr dgn pacat n kaum2nye yg lain..
aku ikut nenek akik tgk org sembelih lembu mase raya haji..
tiap2 thn aku tgk...
walaupun mase nenek2 pergi, aku kecik lg..
tp aku egt sume tu...
aku tgk emak nangis ble teringat embah..
aku tgk ayah senyap atas sejadah ble teringat nenek akik dan nenek binik..
aku xtau nk buat ape..
aku cuma mampu diam..
biar mak ayah layan perasaan rindu tu..
aku kene kuat.. xkan aku nk nangis jugak..
tp pg td mmg hampir menitik airmataku..
aku x mampu nk bendung...
ble org citer pasal atuk nenek dyorg, aku senyap..
sbb aku dah xde sape2...
Ya Allah, Kau tempatkanlah mereka d klgn hambaMu yg brtaqwa..
Kau terangilah pusara mereka dgn cahayaMu
Kau berilah ketenangan buat mereka..
hanya doa dpt ku utuskan..
AL FATIHAH buat nenek akik, nenek binik, embah lanang, embah..
umi rindu sgt....
my peace
Islam is peace,
Islam is ease,
Islam is not danger or disease
Islam is love and prosperity
Islam is not hatred or adversity
Islam is neither maze nor craze
Islam is giving Allah all praise
Islam gives u power when u surrender
Islam is life for all eternity
Islam is my peace
for Allah i will always b..
Demi Allah, aku tenang menghirup udara yg Kau pinjamkan buatku dan umatMu yg lain..
Demi Allah, aku suka menjelajah bumi yg Kau piunjamkan buatku dan umatMu yg lain..
Demi Allah, aku bersyukur dilahirkan sbg seorg Islam..
izinkan aku berbakti di jalanMu..
Guide me Ya Allah...
Islam is ease,
Islam is not danger or disease
Islam is love and prosperity
Islam is not hatred or adversity
Islam is neither maze nor craze
Islam is giving Allah all praise
Islam gives u power when u surrender
Islam is life for all eternity
Islam is my peace
for Allah i will always b..
Demi Allah, aku tenang menghirup udara yg Kau pinjamkan buatku dan umatMu yg lain..
Demi Allah, aku suka menjelajah bumi yg Kau piunjamkan buatku dan umatMu yg lain..
Demi Allah, aku bersyukur dilahirkan sbg seorg Islam..
izinkan aku berbakti di jalanMu..
Guide me Ya Allah...
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
sakitnye perut aku.....
ape yg aku mkn siang td?
start ptg td asyik memulas je....
x larat la....
sakit perut...
keje byk...
lau asyik ke toilet je ble nk siap.....
Ya Allah, sembuhkanlah sakit perut ku ini...
sakitnye perut aku.....
ape yg aku mkn siang td?
start ptg td asyik memulas je....
x larat la....
sakit perut...
keje byk...
lau asyik ke toilet je ble nk siap.....
Ya Allah, sembuhkanlah sakit perut ku ini...
me and mr darcy
hello everyone!! buhsan sungguh ptg ini..haha.. so, after puas sleeping just now, i grabbed my favourite english novel ever.... (exaggerating again...lalala)
tadaaaa......!!! meet ME AND MR DARCY
ni la buah ati pengarang jantung aku.. whenever i feel bored, i'll just grabbed dis book n read it.. y i luv dis book?? here is a review abt it..
tadaaaa......!!! meet ME AND MR DARCY
ni la buah ati pengarang jantung aku.. whenever i feel bored, i'll just grabbed dis book n read it.. y i luv dis book?? here is a review abt it..
Emily Albright is a bookstore manager for a family owned bookstore in New York. She’s had a string of bad dates and her friend is trying to get her to run off to Mexico for New Years. Instead, Emily decides to go on a tour of Jane Austen country. Her excitement is a bit dashed when she discovers that her group is mostly older women making her rethink her decision.
Joining the group is journalist, Spike Hargreaves, sent by his paper to discover why Mr. Darcy is the fantasy dream date of most British women. Spike, of course, is the antithesis of Darcy. Unkempt with a slight Buddha belly (as my girlfriends and I like to call it), foul mouthed and certainly unchivalrous. Compared to the literary perfection that is Darcy, Spike has no chance of capturing the heart of our intrepid heroine.
This is a retelling of Pride and Prejudice. The character arcs of Spike and Emily intentionally mirror that of Darcy and Elizabeth. Emily overhears Spike say something to a friend of his that is unflattering to her just as Elizabeth overhears Darcy decline to dance with Mr. Bingley because she is not handsome enough. The tour bus driver tells Emily something unsavory about Spike just like when Mr. Wickham tells something unsavory to Elizabeth about Mr. Darcy, generating dislike. When Darcy, err Spike, comes forward with his feelings, he is soundly rebuffed by Elizabeth, I mean, Emily.
The book is replete with quotations from Pride and Prejudice. There would be a quoted passage and then there would be a virtual re-enactment of the scene with Emily and Spike instead of Elizabeth and Darcy.
to anyone who has read pride and prejudice before, u gonna luv dis one too...
whenever i read dis book, i would b wondering.... WHO'S GONNA B MY MR DARCY???hehe...
there's another buk dat i wanna share with u guys... THE JAPANESE LOVER.. later yaa~
peace everyone!!
Monday, 11 July 2011
mlm td aku gaduh dgn kau...
mmg la aku emo semcm kn... padahal benda tu xde ape pun...
tp ko marah aku!!!
aku tny ko elok2 tp ko mrh aku pulak!!
aku bukannye tny soalan bodoh pun... sikit pny bijak soalan tu..
tp ko mrh aku!!!
ape ko egt ko sorg je reti mrh2??
selama ni aku terasa dgn ko tp aku biar jerr..
sbb kte kwn baik... drp aku amek ati better aku pndam jerr..
sbb aku tau ko x perasan..
sbb ko dah biase dgn aku..
tp mlm td mmg la gunung berapi aku da meletus...!!
ko ckp - FAHAM X??...
ko ckp mcm tu kt aku...
mayb aku x sepatutnya terasa..
mayb aku yg emo x brtmpat..
mayb org anggap ni hal kecik jerr..
tp aku sedih ble kwn aku ckp aku mcm tu..
cume satu je sbbnye...SBB KO KWN BAIK AKU.....
smpai ati ko,kn?
ko ckp ko mintak maaf..
tp sori kawan...
aku x tau ble bru aku blh lupe ape yg ko dah ckp mlm td.....
it wont fade from my mind forever mayb...
mmg la aku emo semcm kn... padahal benda tu xde ape pun...
tp ko marah aku!!!
aku tny ko elok2 tp ko mrh aku pulak!!
aku bukannye tny soalan bodoh pun... sikit pny bijak soalan tu..
tp ko mrh aku!!!
ape ko egt ko sorg je reti mrh2??
selama ni aku terasa dgn ko tp aku biar jerr..
sbb kte kwn baik... drp aku amek ati better aku pndam jerr..
sbb aku tau ko x perasan..
sbb ko dah biase dgn aku..
tp mlm td mmg la gunung berapi aku da meletus...!!
ko ckp - FAHAM X??...
ko ckp mcm tu kt aku...
mayb aku x sepatutnya terasa..
mayb aku yg emo x brtmpat..
mayb org anggap ni hal kecik jerr..
tp aku sedih ble kwn aku ckp aku mcm tu..
cume satu je sbbnye...SBB KO KWN BAIK AKU.....
smpai ati ko,kn?
ko ckp ko mintak maaf..
tp sori kawan...
aku x tau ble bru aku blh lupe ape yg ko dah ckp mlm td.....
it wont fade from my mind forever mayb...
Sunday, 10 July 2011
i reached ipg ipoh around 6.15pm today.. i didnt sleep along d journey coz i wnt to make company of my ayah.. pity him if i sleep... dye xde kwn smbang nnt...hahaha... so, mase ayah g bli orange juice tersedap d alam semesta kt kdai mamak 2, aku pun jlnkn misi aku yg dah ter-postpone for 2 weeks..hehe... hadiah utk ayah... wuhuuu~ even though kind of late but who cares??? haha... so, credit to mr jabar... help me to find d "bekas" utk taruh hadiah tu.... nseb baik la ko pg tesco, jabar ooii.... t aku cover blk yerr...
smpai2 je blk, i was warmly welcome by cats!!!!! since i "LOVE" cats so much, so i screamed a lot dis evening..haha.. berani anak2 kcg tu main aci kejar kt sblah aku...!! pastu sesedap rase je dye brake kt dpn aku!! hek3... sabar je lahh...
mak bg bekal wedges, so mkn wedges smbil update files.... sedar x sedar, abeh gk satu tupperware tu aku mkn..haha..
eh2!!! supposingly i do my LS work rite nw, but i'm more into TKAM so here we go.... searching for some beneficial info of TKAM..( jarang aku rajin mcm ni..haha)
p/s : still craving for secret recipe ooo... though dah pekena "OLE POCKETFUL KFC" last nite..hehe.. cik apple nk blnja umairah kn3?? haha... kidding
k, nk smbung wat keje...
daa ~
gudnite everyone..
smpai2 je blk, i was warmly welcome by cats!!!!! since i "LOVE" cats so much, so i screamed a lot dis evening..haha.. berani anak2 kcg tu main aci kejar kt sblah aku...!! pastu sesedap rase je dye brake kt dpn aku!! hek3... sabar je lahh...
mak bg bekal wedges, so mkn wedges smbil update files.... sedar x sedar, abeh gk satu tupperware tu aku mkn..haha..
eh2!!! supposingly i do my LS work rite nw, but i'm more into TKAM so here we go.... searching for some beneficial info of TKAM..( jarang aku rajin mcm ni..haha)
p/s : still craving for secret recipe ooo... though dah pekena "OLE POCKETFUL KFC" last nite..hehe.. cik apple nk blnja umairah kn3?? haha... kidding
k, nk smbung wat keje...
daa ~
gudnite everyone..
Saturday, 9 July 2011
ok!! i think i've falling in luv with a japanese series... well, sblm ni pun salu jer aku "ter-fall in luv" dgn japanese series..haha..
dis series is basically abt doctor's life...d main characters r flight doctors in training..it potrays their conflict at d workplace.. n their personal matter.... skang dah msk season 2... everytime i watch dis series, confirm la x brgerak dr tmpat duduk! hehe.... one of d episode made me cried... tp nangis senyap2 la..hehe.. sooo damn touching...
starring toda erika, aragaki yui, yamashita tomohisa, n asari yosuke.. double thumbs up for CODE BLUE!! dah la main characternye ensem glerr....
da byk citer mamat ni aku tgk..
smart kan??
so now, korg da tau la nape aku suke tgk cite ni,kn3??
dis series is basically abt doctor's life...d main characters r flight doctors in training..it potrays their conflict at d workplace.. n their personal matter.... skang dah msk season 2... everytime i watch dis series, confirm la x brgerak dr tmpat duduk! hehe.... one of d episode made me cried... tp nangis senyap2 la..hehe.. sooo damn touching...
starring toda erika, aragaki yui, yamashita tomohisa, n asari yosuke.. double thumbs up for CODE BLUE!! dah la main characternye ensem glerr....
da byk citer mamat ni aku tgk..
smart kan??
so now, korg da tau la nape aku suke tgk cite ni,kn3??
please...!! i wnt it.....
salam.. seriously, i'm craving for SECRET RECIPE!!!!
I miss their cakes like hell... even though eating there will make me "pokai" for d whole entire month, yet i wnt it!!!!!
like this one.....
indulgence... my favourite ever!!
or... dis one..
my dear, choc mud.......
or, dis...
strawberry choc.. or... choc strawberry... i cnt remember...
but i luv it for sure!!
aku suke kau, kau tau x??
huuu~ nk secret recipe.............
help me........... :-(
I miss their cakes like hell... even though eating there will make me "pokai" for d whole entire month, yet i wnt it!!!!!
like this one.....
indulgence... my favourite ever!!
or... dis one..
my dear, choc mud.......
or, dis...
strawberry choc.. or... choc strawberry... i cnt remember...
but i luv it for sure!!
aku suke kau, kau tau x??
huuu~ nk secret recipe.............
help me........... :-(
Thursday, 7 July 2011
hold fast to dreams
for if dreams die
life is a broken-winged bird
hold fast to dreams
for when dreams go
life is a barren field
frozen with snow
by langston hughes
huu~ ni la poem yg wat aku pening kpla mlm td.,.. haha...
but i love dis poem... it inspires people not to give up on their dreams so easily.. it also shows d importance of dreams in one's life.. ok! if u dun hv any goal dat u wnt to achieve, then wats d point of living in dis world,rite?? i mean, x kan la u nk "go with d flow" forever n hope ur life will end with "and we live happily ever after" ?? it doesnt make sense at all.
u hv to put in some effort if u want a happy ever after life.. once u set ur goal, do gv some commitment to it coz u r d own who responsible on it.. make a dream dat u think it is possible to b achieve.. u shouldnt burden urself with it yet u must go for it....
so, start thinking abt ur dreams nw... doesnt matter how simple it is as long as u think it is important to u....
if people mock u, let them b!! its ur life, not theirs!!! who cares?!! kan3??
k, tu jerr nk ckp..
assalamualaikum.. :-)
my tutor asked us to write abt "My Dreams".. she asked us what our dreams are but d whole class remain silent..haha.. mayb dats y she wanted us to write abt it... she wished to know us better ( die ckp laa..)
well, dat was last week.... tomorrow, i hv to pass it up... biggest question mark in my mind rite now is.... WHAT IS MY DREAM???? wat i gonna write on dat paper?? its not dat i dun hv a dream or dreams perhaps but its just dat i cant think abt it at all.... frankly speaking, my dreams a.k.a goals r usually depend on situation... ok.. for instance la kan... d exam is just around d corner, so my goal at dat particular time is to score well... to pass my exam with fying colours... or... if i watched any programs on tv regarding places of interest that r nice to b visited, i would say, "nanti aku nk g sane lahh"... then, d next day, if i see another tv program abt other place, i would say d same thing....n now, i am in teacing profession, so i wish to b a good, kind, kiut tcer when i go to school in 4 yrs time ( yg kiut tu x exaggerate je..haha)
aku pun pelik dgn diri aku...
am i not motivated enough?? i dun think so coz when i say i will do it, means i will do it till d end.. aku akn brtahan smpai ke akhir no matter how hard it is... people around me knw dat i'm dat kind of person..
so, i think i need to sit down n stare at d paper so that i cn recall back my memory of wat my dreams are..huuh!!!~ dats tough guys!!!
here r wat i could think of for d time being :
1. send mak n ayah for haj
2. make my family proud of me
3. b a bookworm ( i am now but i wish to b more serious in reading)
4. visit CHINA n EGYPT (c?? hw much i so in luv with history!!)
5. b a great teacher whn i start teaching in 4 yrs time
6. do something dat will make my parents say " tu la ank aku"..
hah!! dats all... vry lame, dull... nothing cn mke u wow,kn.... but dats me.. i just wanna make everything look simple but at d end, it turns to glory... hoho..
k, le me write something on my paper first... hahaha...
daa~ peace yaa...
i'm definitely gonna post something again tonite....
hahahahaha...... :-)
my tutor asked us to write abt "My Dreams".. she asked us what our dreams are but d whole class remain silent..haha.. mayb dats y she wanted us to write abt it... she wished to know us better ( die ckp laa..)
well, dat was last week.... tomorrow, i hv to pass it up... biggest question mark in my mind rite now is.... WHAT IS MY DREAM???? wat i gonna write on dat paper?? its not dat i dun hv a dream or dreams perhaps but its just dat i cant think abt it at all.... frankly speaking, my dreams a.k.a goals r usually depend on situation... ok.. for instance la kan... d exam is just around d corner, so my goal at dat particular time is to score well... to pass my exam with fying colours... or... if i watched any programs on tv regarding places of interest that r nice to b visited, i would say, "nanti aku nk g sane lahh"... then, d next day, if i see another tv program abt other place, i would say d same thing....n now, i am in teacing profession, so i wish to b a good, kind, kiut tcer when i go to school in 4 yrs time ( yg kiut tu x exaggerate je..haha)
aku pun pelik dgn diri aku...
am i not motivated enough?? i dun think so coz when i say i will do it, means i will do it till d end.. aku akn brtahan smpai ke akhir no matter how hard it is... people around me knw dat i'm dat kind of person..
so, i think i need to sit down n stare at d paper so that i cn recall back my memory of wat my dreams are..huuh!!!~ dats tough guys!!!
here r wat i could think of for d time being :
1. send mak n ayah for haj
2. make my family proud of me
3. b a bookworm ( i am now but i wish to b more serious in reading)
4. visit CHINA n EGYPT (c?? hw much i so in luv with history!!)
5. b a great teacher whn i start teaching in 4 yrs time
6. do something dat will make my parents say " tu la ank aku"..
hah!! dats all... vry lame, dull... nothing cn mke u wow,kn.... but dats me.. i just wanna make everything look simple but at d end, it turns to glory... hoho..
k, le me write something on my paper first... hahaha...
daa~ peace yaa...
i'm definitely gonna post something again tonite....
hahahahaha...... :-)
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
for u :-)
jika kau brhembus lembut melaluinya...
katakan pdanya, aku teman dia selamanya..
jika kau mengalir disisinya..
brithulah padanya aku mohon maaf ats segalanya..
jika kau terbang melintasinya..
smpaikn kata ini pdnya,
"kta dprtemukn ats kisah prsaudaraan..
kta dpisahkn krna batas waktu seharian..
namun ukhwah kta subur brpanjangan..
malah dirimu x prnah ku tinggalkn..
meski kta jarang brsua..
tp doa yg ku pnjatkan utkmu sntiasa trangkai
dlm satu jmbangan..
malah, harumnya trsebar utk insan brnama teman..
semoga dirimu mekar dlm bimbingan cinta Allah..
amin.... :-)
for my frens... jauh dn dkt..
jika kau brhembus lembut melaluinya...
katakan pdanya, aku teman dia selamanya..
jika kau mengalir disisinya..
brithulah padanya aku mohon maaf ats segalanya..
jika kau terbang melintasinya..
smpaikn kata ini pdnya,
"kta dprtemukn ats kisah prsaudaraan..
kta dpisahkn krna batas waktu seharian..
namun ukhwah kta subur brpanjangan..
malah dirimu x prnah ku tinggalkn..
meski kta jarang brsua..
tp doa yg ku pnjatkan utkmu sntiasa trangkai
dlm satu jmbangan..
malah, harumnya trsebar utk insan brnama teman..
semoga dirimu mekar dlm bimbingan cinta Allah..
amin.... :-)
for my frens... jauh dn dkt..
Monday, 4 July 2011
i'm pissed off!!!!! who do u think u r hah??
huwaaaa!!!!!!!!!! sedihnye....... i feel like i wnt to strangled u!!
but luckily u r not here... kalau la ko kt dpn mata aku skang ni....ish3... xtau la..
i try not to run away from problem but i just cant stand it any longer... coz i knw if i try to escape then d problem gonna get worse... so, wats d point of running away?? ( dah mcm lgu runaway baby bruno mars laa..)
but idk hw to cope with it either..... damn it!!!!
dun weri... i figure it out later...
lets get back to happy mode!! haha (ade ke mcm tu?)...
my lecturer once said, A TEACHER IS AN ACTOR... so, i'm acting like i hv nothing to b worried lah ni..
ini small matter je... but i over exaggerating it...hahahaha... coz for me, its like a turning point dat gonna change d entire climate of our "frendship.... d air i breath wont b as pleasurable as it used to b before.. coz u r d one who change d air to b polluted with hazardous gasses!!!!! hah!!! amek kau!!!!
tp aku tau... Allah sentiasa ada utk tlg hambaNya.... moga Dia tunjukkan jln kluar dr situasi ni... moga aku terus tenang dlm mnjalani hidup yg tlh Dia aturkan.... sbb..Allah sentiasa beri yg trbaik utk umatNya...
p/s : tbe2 teringat nescafe sejuk free mase larian 1 murid, 1 sukan ari tu... free mmg la sdp,kn??? haha... craving for cheezy wedges kfc rite nw!!! ad yg nk blnje kerr..??
huwaaaa!!!!!!!!!! sedihnye....... i feel like i wnt to strangled u!!
but luckily u r not here... kalau la ko kt dpn mata aku skang ni....ish3... xtau la..
i try not to run away from problem but i just cant stand it any longer... coz i knw if i try to escape then d problem gonna get worse... so, wats d point of running away?? ( dah mcm lgu runaway baby bruno mars laa..)
but idk hw to cope with it either..... damn it!!!!
dun weri... i figure it out later...
lets get back to happy mode!! haha (ade ke mcm tu?)...
my lecturer once said, A TEACHER IS AN ACTOR... so, i'm acting like i hv nothing to b worried lah ni..
ini small matter je... but i over exaggerating it...hahahaha... coz for me, its like a turning point dat gonna change d entire climate of our "frendship.... d air i breath wont b as pleasurable as it used to b before.. coz u r d one who change d air to b polluted with hazardous gasses!!!!! hah!!! amek kau!!!!
tp aku tau... Allah sentiasa ada utk tlg hambaNya.... moga Dia tunjukkan jln kluar dr situasi ni... moga aku terus tenang dlm mnjalani hidup yg tlh Dia aturkan.... sbb..Allah sentiasa beri yg trbaik utk umatNya...
p/s : tbe2 teringat nescafe sejuk free mase larian 1 murid, 1 sukan ari tu... free mmg la sdp,kn??? haha... craving for cheezy wedges kfc rite nw!!! ad yg nk blnje kerr..??
Friday, 1 July 2011
aku rasa......
all alone... my rumet just go back home to settle her gigi stuff.... ahakzsss!!! ( dun ask me abt d gg stuff tu yaa...) so i;m going to b all alone tonite.. huhu...never mind, at least i cn study a bit.. coz if she's around, 150% i'll just leave my work n chitchatting with her... hahahahaa.... so pemalas i am.. i'm trying to understand myself now... kire mcm sesi muhasabah diri lah ni...hek3..
wat will i do when i'm angry??
kalau degree kemarahan aku dah melebihi takat didih (acceyy..haha) , aku senyap jerr... but at d same time, tears rolling down my cheeks... a silent cry.... i wont say even a word.. mayb u cn hear sobbing sometimes... but i'm not d type who shows to everyone dat i'm mad at that time... i tend to cry alone... i heal my heart all by my own.. i dunno hw to tell others dat i'm having this....or that.. probs... or... i'll write.... aku tulis ape yg aku rase mse tu.... so, sgla jenis bhse samaade perlu ditapis atau x akn tercatat kt krtas tu... (mcm post aku yg hari tu..)
wat will i do when i'm sad??
sad.... sad...sad... aku akn duduk kt satu sudut n just termenung... it dont hv any effect actually.. i just wanna calm myself.... d sadness n sorrorness tetap akn ada dlm hati aku smpai ble2..... ade masenye ak akn terkenang blk but wat cn i do... time will heal...
wat will i do when i'm happy??
laugh out loud.... hahahaha... if theres something made me freaking happy, i will keep talking.... n talking... n talking... abt it until people around me get bored.... n said, umi, cer ko diam!!! mase tu baru la aku senyap...ngeh3...
wat will i do when i feel x puas hati??
nagging....... mcm mak nenek... hahaha... ble aku penat, aku diam sndiri laa...
wat will i do when if i terasa hati with someone??
i wiill pretend like nothing happen... but deep in my heart, aku xkan lupe ape org tu buat kt aku smpai ble2...
wat will i do when i'm shy??
haha... x reti nk explain bab ni.... bile aku malu, confirm aku blushing... hak3.... nk senyum tp xnk org nmpak aku senyum.. haa... mcm tu la beh krg..
wat will i do when people tease me??
usik2 manje la konon...haha... aku akn balas blk ape org tu buat kt aku..hahahaha... mane blh kalah!!! mane aci org je yg usik aku tp aku x usik org....kn3?? hihi...
wat will i do when i get blurrr...??
i will say - hah?? ape ko ckp?? then, buat muke blurr..
wat will i do when i'm not feeling well??
activate silent mode... g skola dgn muke pucat glerr... huu
wat will i do when i'm in bad mood??
sori, no smile for anyone on dat day...
k, tu jer buat mase ni... penat la lari td... gara2 run for life (errr... xtau la btl ke x..haha). 1murid,1sukan,1malaysia.. haa..mcm tu la beh krg... nnt la bru citer sal run for life ni yerr...
peace yaa....
wat will i do when i'm angry??
kalau degree kemarahan aku dah melebihi takat didih (acceyy..haha) , aku senyap jerr... but at d same time, tears rolling down my cheeks... a silent cry.... i wont say even a word.. mayb u cn hear sobbing sometimes... but i'm not d type who shows to everyone dat i'm mad at that time... i tend to cry alone... i heal my heart all by my own.. i dunno hw to tell others dat i'm having this....or that.. probs... or... i'll write.... aku tulis ape yg aku rase mse tu.... so, sgla jenis bhse samaade perlu ditapis atau x akn tercatat kt krtas tu... (mcm post aku yg hari tu..)
wat will i do when i'm sad??
sad.... sad...sad... aku akn duduk kt satu sudut n just termenung... it dont hv any effect actually.. i just wanna calm myself.... d sadness n sorrorness tetap akn ada dlm hati aku smpai ble2..... ade masenye ak akn terkenang blk but wat cn i do... time will heal...
wat will i do when i'm happy??
laugh out loud.... hahahaha... if theres something made me freaking happy, i will keep talking.... n talking... n talking... abt it until people around me get bored.... n said, umi, cer ko diam!!! mase tu baru la aku senyap...ngeh3...
wat will i do when i feel x puas hati??
nagging....... mcm mak nenek... hahaha... ble aku penat, aku diam sndiri laa...
wat will i do when if i terasa hati with someone??
i wiill pretend like nothing happen... but deep in my heart, aku xkan lupe ape org tu buat kt aku smpai ble2...
wat will i do when i'm shy??
haha... x reti nk explain bab ni.... bile aku malu, confirm aku blushing... hak3.... nk senyum tp xnk org nmpak aku senyum.. haa... mcm tu la beh krg..
wat will i do when people tease me??
usik2 manje la konon...haha... aku akn balas blk ape org tu buat kt aku..hahahaha... mane blh kalah!!! mane aci org je yg usik aku tp aku x usik org....kn3?? hihi...
wat will i do when i get blurrr...??
i will say - hah?? ape ko ckp?? then, buat muke blurr..
wat will i do when i'm not feeling well??
activate silent mode... g skola dgn muke pucat glerr... huu
wat will i do when i'm in bad mood??
sori, no smile for anyone on dat day...
k, tu jer buat mase ni... penat la lari td... gara2 run for life (errr... xtau la btl ke x..haha). 1murid,1sukan,1malaysia.. haa..mcm tu la beh krg... nnt la bru citer sal run for life ni yerr...
peace yaa....
i need novel rite now!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh God........... buhsan sungguh asenye..
( padahal ade je homework yg kne buat )... muahaha....
blh je lau aku nk google poem Drems yg aku blaja td... tp... blm dpt hidayah lagi...hehe..
so, mlm ni muvi maraton lah nmpaknye.....
dis evening, finally i succeed... to finished d GTO series... sedangkan dah berkurun dah citer tu ada dlm notebook ku terchenta ni....haha...
i dun think i cn sleep tonite... sbb ptg td gatal tgk i knw wat u did last summer... hek3....
well, citer tu xde la scary mane pun tp.... disebabkan tcer umairah ni penakut orgnye, paham2 je lahhh...haha... buktinyem citer emily rose yg ade dlm notebook ni pun aku x prnah click lg... ngeh3... so, sudah terang lg disuluh lampu spotlight, AKU PENAKUT!!!!! hua3...
kalau la ade ANDAI ITU TAKDIRNYA skang, aku sanggup x tido mlm utk abehkan citer tu mlm ni gk...., even though esok pg mata bengkak sbb x tido plus menangis... huhu
p/s : perang dingin tlh dilancarkan secara rasmi.....
oh God........... buhsan sungguh asenye..
( padahal ade je homework yg kne buat )... muahaha....
blh je lau aku nk google poem Drems yg aku blaja td... tp... blm dpt hidayah lagi...hehe..
so, mlm ni muvi maraton lah nmpaknye.....
dis evening, finally i succeed... to finished d GTO series... sedangkan dah berkurun dah citer tu ada dlm notebook ku terchenta ni....haha...
i dun think i cn sleep tonite... sbb ptg td gatal tgk i knw wat u did last summer... hek3....
well, citer tu xde la scary mane pun tp.... disebabkan tcer umairah ni penakut orgnye, paham2 je lahhh...haha... buktinyem citer emily rose yg ade dlm notebook ni pun aku x prnah click lg... ngeh3... so, sudah terang lg disuluh lampu spotlight, AKU PENAKUT!!!!! hua3...
kalau la ade ANDAI ITU TAKDIRNYA skang, aku sanggup x tido mlm utk abehkan citer tu mlm ni gk...., even though esok pg mata bengkak sbb x tido plus menangis... huhu
p/s : perang dingin tlh dilancarkan secara rasmi.....
so true..
peace yaa...
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