Wednesday, 30 November 2011

i was sort of hoping
that you would come along
like the answer to a prayer
and the music to a song

like the kind of thing that happens
at a special place and time
that will change our lives forever
like a fantasy of mine.

the fantasy was there before
i ever knew your name
and now that i have found you
we will never be the same.

so, pardon, if i look at you
forgive me if i stare
at the fantasy i knew before
i saw you standing there.

for i was always hoping
that you would come along
like the answer to a prayer
and the music to a song.

taken form here

p/s : mood novel dah mai dahh

Saturday, 26 November 2011


kebosanan yg telah mencapai tahap kritikal!!!!!..........

bored!! bored!! bored!!

ohh, btw.. novel M.A.I.D sgt best!!! this girl work as a maid at this awesome-looked-engineer punye penthouse... then, both of them kene fitnah. so, parents si awesome-looked-engineer ni pun pakse dyorg kawen.. then, kawen la.. si girl ni mmg suke dkt majikan dye yg awesome-looked ni.. but she knows her boss dont love her.. so after the marriage, dyorg pun brlakon la jd pasangan paling bahagia di atas muka bumi ni.. then, bla bla bla..... rupenye, awesome-looked engineer ni mmg dah lame 'sangkut' dgn si girl ni even mase si girl tu keje dulu...
kelakar glerrrrrr cite ni........ hahahaha

i watched Wrong Turn... nk kate horror, idak le jugak... thriller kot... nk muntah aku tgk muvi ni!!! makhluk tu potong2 badan manusia yg die bunuh mcm mak aku siang ikan tu hah!!!!!
xtau la mcm mane budak2 class aku blh tgk muvi ni... sumpah aku xnk tgk dah... kali pertama dan terakhir!!! 

oh, deviated dari tajuk asal aku..!!


k, bye!!!

p/s : terasa kosong.....

Monday, 21 November 2011

Bola oh Bola..


proud to be malaysian

superb football match!!

even tired watching it for 120 minutes,

even aku jenis "hati kecik", x bape berani nk tgk

especially when indonesian players almost score again,

and during the penalties!! My God..

i hide my face...!! hahaha

to all malaysian players, korg THE BEST LAHHH!!!

ank che mat main best ooo.... muahahaha

once again,


Sunday, 20 November 2011

Four Days Later...

things happened these few days  :

1. i finished reading a novel in one day!! ( mmg kene add stock novel ni)

2. one morning, when i woke up from bed, there it is...... a pimple!!!! a bigggggg one, k.....

3. i eat, n eat, n eat...

4. i watched football..!! hahahaha... sounds funny... but yeah, nothing to do at home...

5. i think watching football games make me berdebarrrrr... LOL.. especially when malaysia vs indonesia last few days.. ( they're going to meet again for final!! )

6. errrkkk... suddenly i know so much abt malaysian football which was not-my-business before

7. sometimes all of sudden, i ter-fikir abt my final exam...... aduuhhhh... paper ES ku... hihi

8. yesterday, i masak nasi but mcm x ckp ayor je... err, aku rase nasi tu keras sikit drp selalu... (sbb dah lame x masak nasi kot... puhlissss la, umi ooiii)

9. lamenye aku text dgn kau ari tu!! x pernah trjadi!! muahaha

10. gemok la aku lg sebulan

happy holidays to all my friends......
have a splendid n enjoyable holidays, everyone...
see u guys next year!!

Thursday, 17 November 2011

The World Belongs to Me!

hello!! i'm home now.. haha
(kantoi blk awal.. who cares,rite.. huhu)

on Wednesday,after the exhausted week struggling for final exam, some of my friends and i went to joli a.k.a meronggeng a.k.a huuu haaa.. elaun pun bru msk so, kite enjoy!!!

Me, ChanMarry, Dash, Thevika and some other friends went there by bus.. oh plisss, dun remind me abt the bus!! memalukan sungguh..... hahaha.. my other friends went to Lost World..

ohh, adakah saya terkantoi dgn  Encik ini masa keluar that day?? he seemed to know... hahaha

Parade was so silent and empty when we arrived.. hahaa.. see?? semangat btl kteorg.. eh! we bump into him and him there.. owhhh... mmg classmates aku pakat nk meronggeng on that day.. muahaha

bcoz of our stomach had started to sing Cindai, we ate usual, i wont finish my meal.. then, Marry, Chan and I went to karaoke-ing... sumpah best!! lantak la suare aku x sedap pun.. jd hilang tension aku!! we sang non-stop for 2 hours then shopping la, ape lg!! dun want to mention what i've bought... hahahaha

for pics, please visit Chan's blog.. hihi

got lots to say actually but nvm, later lahh...

p/s : malam yg sgt unexpected dan pagi yg sgt2 unexpected juga..wink3 ^^

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Feel Like Heaven ^^

since exam is successfully finished ( dlm bahasa melayu, berakhir dgn jayanya... haha)
only now i got the chance to write a longggggg entry... bhahaha

its all about how i spent my SPM hollidays ( errkk...consider as holiday ke?) with some awesome boys and girls in a place called Erican..haha.. skema pny ayat noo..Erican ni, to those who dunno, is actually a language centre... to brush up our english..ade kerjasama dgn Cmbridge University sbb our cert pun ade lambang Cambridge n our test paper pun deme yg tande., so for a few month, we met everyday.. (agak boring jgk le tgk muke kome 2 kann...).. here they are.......

the best thing i remembered abt her is, she never eat chicken sepanjang hdp!! reason - she geli with all those bulu2 ayam... even KFC finger licking good pun she never eat!! a vry nice sweet girl..

the oldest among us.. graduated from uitm in accountancy. she doesnt look like a 23 years old girl at all!! kecik molek je orgnye... whenever our sir speaks in malay, haha.... she laughs the loudest.. oppsss!! kak ida ade skandal dgn abg nikamt.... kah4.. so, whenever we go to nikamt restaurant, mesti dpt layanan vvip... ngeh3

ok.. honestly, i dunno how to spell his name.. reti sebut je.. haha.. he is such an innocent boy... when it comes to speech test, mmg tergagap-gagap la mamat sorg ni.. aku plak jenis naughty2.. even i felt pity for him yet i laughed.. silently.... sori, kien giap... hehehehe

huuu... my best friend ever after... she joined erican pun bcoz of my influence laa.. since our parents teach at d same school, i asked my ayah to talk to her mak.. the rest is history.. bhahaha..she can talk verryyyy fast n sometimes i cant catch up her words... n when speech time, eye contact is important.... to get the clue... hahaaha.. in uia now

haha... dunno the spelling...again... a very smart boy... stylo... siyes, x tipu!! x la putih sgt, body six packs.. perghhhh.... ble time speech test, ladies and gentleman.........thats all i could hear... suasre siyes semangat habis... sodap pun sodap... tp itu lahh, speech x prnah nk hafal...

aku taram a.k.a tibai je name die ni.... asal ade bunyi sudaaa.. first time,Piqah heard his name, she asked me, Umi, aku mcm pernah dgr name tu.... mcm ade iras2.. then i answered, rasenye ade name jalan kt kl.. jln loke yew... dkt2 le tu,kn?? hahaha..he's a quiet boy.. so silent compared to us yg jenis huuuhaaa....dunno much abt him either.. i segan nk tnye...... (ayat mintk penampar)

Oh My....... this girl.... die x sedar die buat lawak... the way she walked, the way she talked, and others... mmg agak silent la this girl in class but once u start to hv a conversation with her, its non-stop... trust me!!

die masuk paling lambat.. dah hujung2 tu baru die masuk... but still kteorg sempat kuar hang out together2... nice girl..

another chinese girl in class.. Adil said she suffers from anorexia..n ak pun percaya la bulat2 ckp mamat tuhh... ceyt! but seriously, she is sooooo thinnnn...... mcm tulang bergerak pun ade aku tgk... ayat die yg paling best - cincai yg aku suke satu grup dgn die nihh.... haha

10. ADIL
nk kate adil dan saksama, tidaklah sgt.. haha.. mamt nih... aduhh...speechless aku.. he suffers from "RADIO ROSAK" phenomena... kah3... he always forget his lines... even sir gave him the clues, he still couldnt get it!! mmg kalakar habis r budak nih... his style which i like the most is - he like to garu-garu his head when he's lost.... sumpah klakar...

11. AMIN
dis is another senget boy in the class... bijak pun dia, sengal pun die gak..hahaha.. he has a habit.. everytime before he start his speech, he will make an action like org basuh tangan... so funny!! his trademark tuhh... i would always tell him, min, jgn lupe basuh tgn!! then he made his seposen look! ceyt!! owh, now he's an architect in the making... blh la ko tlg buat kondo mewah utk aku sebijik nnt eh..ngeee

wahhh... jodoh kami mmg panjang! jd rumet aku kot skang...  bhahaha.. eh! x blh kutuk, sbb die salu stalk aku... mau kene belasah aku kang... hahaha... rumet aku, of coz la baik,kannn..

hah.... ni la penglipur lara aku...... she's soooo funny... everything she did, people will definitely laugh! even though she just sit and smile...hahaha... aduhh... hard to say but thats ruf! wooi peem always tease her whether in fb or during class... he said, rufaida, can u swim? then, the greatest battle of all began... they can fight from the class start till the class finish... in uitm shah alam now

sahabat sejati si ruf nih!! muahaha... thats y i put them together... wooi peem is another senget boy in the class... one day, before our speaking test, he asked Rebecca ,eh why gigi u sgt putih? Ohh... what kind of q is that?? then when i asked dont he attracted to the sexy Tracy.. he answered me like this - gila punya org pkai itu macam..jgn tny la mcm mane kami gelak mase tu.. mmg nk guling2 atas lantai asenye.. 

15. UMI
eh! ni aku!! no point kutuk n praised myself rite? hahaha... so, xnk r story sal diri sndiri

i'll never forget all our memories there... stories in the class, Secret Recipe, Mcd, Restoran Nikmat, Pizza Hut n many more.....
hope to see u guys again
may our friendship last forever
sayanggggg korg 

huh! pnjg sungguh kali ni.... hek3..

Monday, 14 November 2011

the "BEST" day ever

what a SUCKS day is today

today is such a SUCKS day

why i think today is the SUCKS-est day ever?
( i dun think word sucks-est ever exist in oxford dictionary or even mcmillan)

i feel today is very SUCKS

unseen poem is SUCKS

unseen short story is even much more SUCKS


so, moral of the story is = 14.11.2011 is SUCKSSSSS.....!!!!

but, i've tried MY VERY BEST.....
now, just taswakal
( ayat menyedapkan hatiku yg hancur luluh berderai bertaburan di lantai.... errkkk!! ni tipu! )

so, best of luck!!!

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Sekali Lagi...

Oh God!!


what hv i done??

serve me right!!!

ak x nk, tp mcm aku nk
so sbnrnye aku nk ke xnk?
ke.. aku nk, tp bukan yg itu yg aku nk.
ak nk, tp yg lain..

* sori, ade confusion pada aku dan confusion pada yg mmbaca..


Friday, 11 November 2011

salam everyone...!!

di petang yg mendung diselubungi awan hitam 
(wah...wah... kelas kau, mariaaa)
diiringi angin yg kelu x berbahasa...
( mukadimah yg macam haremmm...)

ok! nothing to do with awan! awan mendung n angin yg x berbahasa tu...

today, my life dipenuhi @ didampingi ( erkk! damping malam? cite hantu??)

berterabur kt atas lantai...

notes lg...
bersepah atas katil..

ohhh... kt sini rupenye highlight aku...
( terselit dlm buku ape ntah )

eh! kertas yg td tu mane hilangnye??
laaa... terjatuh bwh katil rupenye..

yes!! beginilah aku sepanjang hari...
dan akan berterusan until 15.11.2011

done with LDS n LDV,
2 more to go..
hope everything gonna b just fine..

before otak aku bertambah bengong,


p/s : wahhh... dah byk hari saya heartmelt...!! aduhhh...gawat nih!! kah3..

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Face the Fact, umairah!!!!


Ya Allah,
permudahkanlah semuanya esok..

Terangkanlah hati kami
Lapangkanlah dada kami
Penuhi hati dan minda kami dgn ilmu2 yg kami pelajari selama ini..

permudahkanlah perjalanan peperiksaan kami untuk hari esok dan hari2 seterusnya..

Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin...

best of luck to all..
mohon doa restu mak ayah..
doakan umi :)


p/s : sumpah umairah tgh nervous glerr ni....

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Nama Dia Putih....

salam aidiladha..

dis evening, terassa boring saje la tgk2 blk pic dulu2..

n terjumpe pic ni

aidiladha 2 years ago if i'm not mistaken..
mase ni buat korban..
aku dgn sepupu2 aku share same2..
share dgn sape dah x egt..hihi
ni kt masjid sg manik 

yg tgh salam dgn pakcik pakai kopiah putih tu pak long aku ( baju biruuuu...)

dah tukar salam dgn org lain plak.. wak ape ntah name pakcik ni ( wak?? ye.. dia jawa.. kot..ahakzs!)

ooohhhhh... baru perasan ade pic Angah sekali dlm pics ni ( baju hitam bersandar kt dinding masjid kt blkg tuu... errr, yg nmpsk lonely tu.. haha)

x smpai ati nk letak pic lembu tu... gmbarnye scary ckit.. hihi
lembu tu kaler putih, so automatically it's name is Puith.. hahaha..

k, tu je nk share...
exam is coming... cant run away,can i?? huhu...
GOOD LUCK FOR EXAM, frensss...

Friday, 4 November 2011

considering others..

first of all, i have no proper title for this entry..
my brain cant think well, i think.. hehe..,

case 1
criticizing others
doesnt make u a better person
u think u r better than him/ her

case 2
voice out ur opinion 
is just fine
dont belittle other's

case 3
ur thought might be correct
doesnt mean other's r not

God made us different from each other
thats y everyone must learn how to 

critics?? only if u think u r better than them
read something in a book just now make me comes out with those opinion.

p/s : heartmelt... again... wink3
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