Sunday 18 September 2011

yes, its equal...

yes, i know!!
every time i come across any obstacles, i told myself this :

Dia sedang berbicara denganmu tentang sabar.......

so, whenever i feel down or giving up over something, i keep those words in mind. He wants me to learn how to be patient... n tawakal as well..

as my mom said, its impossible for us to hv everything we wish as nobody is perfect... but Allah treats us equally in every way... for example, A might be rich but maybe his heart is empty... meanwhile B dont hv money full in his pocket but he owns love.. Allah menguji kita dgn pelbagai cara seiring dgn kekuatan hati dan mental kita sbb Dia tahu di mana titik kekuatan dan kelemahan setiap hambaNya...

sbg peringatan buat diri sendiri juga.. :)

p/s : crush??? again?!! noooo...!! whats d matter with u umairah??? hihih..

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